The Tree-Pie information in English
The Tree-Pie
Size: About that of the Myna, with a tail 12 inches long.
Field Characters: <
A long-tailed chestnut-brown bird with
sooty head and neck. The broad black tips of the longest tail
feathers and the greyish-white wing-coverts are particularly
conspicuous on the wing. The flight is undulating « swift
noisy flapping, followed by @ short glide on outspread wings and
tail. Sexes alike.
Distribution: The whole of India, Burma and Ceylon. Over
this wide range 4 races are recognised on differences in size and
Habits: The ‘lree-Pie is a bird of open forest. It often
[requents wooded country and scrub jungle near towns and
villages and freely enters compounds and gardens. It is of a
social disposition going about in pairs or family parties which
keep upa loud grating conversation. ‘They have a wide repertoire
of calls, some harsh and guttural, others quite melodious, The
term ‘ Bob-o-link’ is a more or less faithful syllabificiation
of one of their pleasanter calls. Like their ner relations, the
trows, Tree-Pies are omnivorous. Fruits, both wild and culti-
vated are edten, They are invariably present among the mixet
gatherings of birds on Banyan and Peepal trees to gorge them-
selves on the ripe figs. Insects, caterpillars, lizards, frogs anid
centipedes are relished, and even carrion is not despised on
occasion, They are amongst the most constant members of the
hunting parties of insectivorous birds that move about in forest.
They also hunt systematically for birds’ nests and are highly
destructive to the eggs and young of the smaller species.
Nesting: The season extends from February to July, the
majority of eggs being laid between March and May. ‘The nest,
well concealed by fohage, is placed near the top of a tree, not
necessarily a high one. In structure it is of the crow type, 4
deep platform of twigs—often thorny --with ihe cup well lined
with finer twigs and rootlets. Both sexes share in building,
incuhation and care of the young. The eggs—4 or 5 in number-—
vary slightly in shape and size and rather more in colour. The
commonest type is pale salmon-white, splashed and streaked
rufous treepie call
rufous treepie pronunciation
grey treepie
treepie species
white-bellied treepie
kubo bird
rufous treepie hindi name
son pari bird
scientific name of open billed stork
rufous treepie sound
roohani bird
open billed stork malayalam name
Dendrocitta vagabunda Latham.
Rufous Treepie ( Indian Treepie)
Marathi Name : TakaChor/ Bhera, Ghigirav.
Hindi Name : Mahalat,
Sanskrit Name : Karakiya
Field Characters: <
A long-tailed chestnut-brown bird with
sooty head and neck. The broad black tips of the longest tail
feathers and the greyish-white wing-coverts are particularly
conspicuous on the wing. The flight is undulating « swift
noisy flapping, followed by @ short glide on outspread wings and
tail. Sexes alike.
Distribution: The whole of India, Burma and Ceylon. Over
this wide range 4 races are recognised on differences in size and
Habits: The ‘lree-Pie is a bird of open forest. It often
[requents wooded country and scrub jungle near towns and
villages and freely enters compounds and gardens. It is of a
social disposition going about in pairs or family parties which
keep upa loud grating conversation. ‘They have a wide repertoire
of calls, some harsh and guttural, others quite melodious, The
term ‘ Bob-o-link’ is a more or less faithful syllabificiation
of one of their pleasanter calls. Like their ner relations, the
trows, Tree-Pies are omnivorous. Fruits, both wild and culti-
vated are edten, They are invariably present among the mixet
gatherings of birds on Banyan and Peepal trees to gorge them-
selves on the ripe figs. Insects, caterpillars, lizards, frogs anid
centipedes are relished, and even carrion is not despised on
occasion, They are amongst the most constant members of the
hunting parties of insectivorous birds that move about in forest.
They also hunt systematically for birds’ nests and are highly
destructive to the eggs and young of the smaller species.
Nesting: The season extends from February to July, the
majority of eggs being laid between March and May. ‘The nest,
well concealed by fohage, is placed near the top of a tree, not
necessarily a high one. In structure it is of the crow type, 4
deep platform of twigs—often thorny --with ihe cup well lined
with finer twigs and rootlets. Both sexes share in building,
incuhation and care of the young. The eggs—4 or 5 in number-—
vary slightly in shape and size and rather more in colour. The
commonest type is pale salmon-white, splashed and streaked
with bright reddish-brown.
rufous treepie call
rufous treepie pronunciation
grey treepie
treepie species
white-bellied treepie
kubo bird
rufous treepie hindi name
son pari bird
scientific name of open billed stork
rufous treepie sound
roohani bird
open billed stork malayalam name
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